Integrating Outlook

You can integrate your Outlook Calendar into your Hibox account.

Please, follow the next steps so you can integrate and start using your Outlook Calendar.

  1. Go to the top left side of the menu and click on the dot below your profile photo.
    Integrating Outlook
  2. Click on “Integrations”
    Integrating Outlook
  3. You will see these options at the right side of the screen, click on “Activate” please.
    Integrating Outlook
  4. Log into your Microsoft Office 365 account.
    Integrating Outlook
  5. Please give the appropriate permissions by checking the box, then click “Accept”
    Integrating Outlook Integrating Outlook
  6. Your Outlook account is now integrated with Hibox. Please, learn how to create an event using Outlook Calendar in this tutorial.

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